Improve results and efficiency of your program through quality snow and ice training designed to build skills and broaden understanding. Designed by industry leaders with years of proven practical experience, this program is applicable to street and highway departments, parks departments, facilities management, public works, private contractors, suppliers, and manufactures.

Gain knowledge and skills critical to achieving desired results, customer satisfaction, and maintaining a competitive edge. Ensure accurate application rates and measure material outputs through calibration assistance and calibration train-the-trainer.

Sessions provide an overview of snow and ice training for all skill levels – operators, managers and/or administrators. Customized training available upon request.

About Us
  • Operators and Frontline Management

    Responsibilities, weather, materials, liquids, applications, plowing, equipment maintenance and cleaning, and safety

  • Winter Operations Management

    Planning, policy, implementation, execution and evaluation.

  • Manager and Administrator

    Operations review, written snow and ice plans, communications, implementation, risk management, emergency response, liability, and reporting results that matter.

  • Materials and Applications

    Review common snow and ice materials and understand treatment options, timing and applications

    • Liquids – How to get started, implement and grow a liquids program
    • Pre-wetting – Understand common methods and uses.
    • Anti-Icing – Review materials and application processes and rates
  • Innovative technology

    Review trends in technology and industry practices

  • Calibration

    Snow fleet calibration assistance and Calibration Train-the-Trainer